System Requirements
This website works on Internet Explorer 6 and 7 and Firefox 1.5 or higher, 56K Modem or better. Javascript and cookies must be enabled.
On a MacIntosh, you will need Firefox 1.5 or higher - Click here to download Firefox.
The website will not currently function on Apple's Safari browser.
You will need Acrobat Reader to open the PDF Printable Maps.
Javascript and the Interactive Maps Page
This websites uses an advanced Javascript technology called AJAX which enables us to load information
for the Interactive Maps "behind the scenes". While you are viewing the Interactive Maps, the activity in the background will increase the initial loading time for the page.
Browser Discrepancies
Different web browsers (and even different versions of the same web browser) will sometimes show the same
web page differently. We are aware of some of the discrepancies and are actively pursuing solutions to
provide a consistent viewing experience.
We appreciate any comments you can provide us and we encourage you to provide us any suggestions on how we
can improve our website. You can contact us here with your comments.